If You Don’t Write Like Your Executive Does You’re Wasting Everyone’s Time

Every executive ghost writer has to adapt to the communication style of the executive for whom they write. It is an obvious statement but it also tells an essential truth: If you don’t write in a style that closely imitates the executive, you’ve failed.

Bearing that in mind, let’s consider what an executive ghost writer needs to do in order to ensure they write and communicate in a way that’s indistinguishable from the executive they’re writing for. What steps can the ghost writer take to maximize the odds of success?


Do Your Homework

You have to study all the available communications from the executive. That means reading everything that has been printed in their name. Look through all of that person’s speeches, tweets, social media posts, articles, and anything else you can. That text will give you an understanding of the word choices and patterns of the executive.

If they have posted videos online, look at those paying close attention to the speech patterns, the way they construct grammar, and anything else.

That’s your job: Mimic this person to the best of your ability. It’s mportant to remember that the public shouldn’t even know that you the executive ghost writer even exist.


Interviews Are Your Window to The Executive

At some point you’ll likely interview the executive through email or video. It’s your job to ask strategic questions that help you understand how they think so that you can be as much of a chameleon as possible.

You’ll certainly want to understand what key messages he or she is trying to communicate for the organization. Beyond that, you have to pay attention to personality and weave that into communications that reinforce themes and purpose.

You should consistently work to understand the executive’s personal values, thought processes, messaging, and overall organizational goals while writing for them. That’s how you can produce the best material for them.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg but it should reiterate the importance of mimicry in the executive ghost writing process. Keep reading for more information about the ghost writing process and reach out below to discuss more.

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